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Nadir Akinci, Markus Ihmsen, Gizem Akinci, Barbara Solenthaler, and Matthias Teschner. Versatile rigid-fluid coupling for incompressible sph. ACM Trans. Graph., 31(4):62:1—62:8, July 2012.


Jan Bender, Matthias Müller, MiguelA. Otaduy, and Matthias Teschner. Position-based methods for the simulation of solid objects in computer graphics. In EUROGRAPHICS 2013 State of the Art Reports. Eurographics Association, 2013.


Jan Bender, Daniel Weber, and Raphael Diziol. Fast and stable cloth simulation based on multi-resolution shape matching. Computers & Graphics, 37(8):945 — 954, 2013.


Jan Bender, Dan Koschier, Patrick Charrier, and Daniel Weber. Position-based simulation of continuous materials. Computers & Graphics, 44(0):1 — 10, 2014.


Jan Bender, Matthias Müller, MiguelA. Otaduy, Matthias Teschner, and Miles Macklin. A survey on position-based simulation methods in computer graphics. Computer Graphics Forum, 33(6):228—251, 2014.


Jan Bender, Matthias Müller, and Miles Macklin. Position-based simulation methods in computer graphics. In EUROGRAPHICS 2015 Tutorials. Eurographics Association, 2015.


Crispin Deul, Patrick Charrier, and Jan Bender. Position-based rigid body dynamics. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2014.


Raphael Diziol, Jan Bender, and Daniel Bayer. Robust real-time deformation of incompressible surface meshes. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, SCA ‘11. Eurographics Association, 2011.


Miles Macklin and Matthias Müller. Position based fluids. ACM Trans. Graph., 32(4):104:1—104:12, July 2013.


Miles Macklin, Matthias Müller, and Nuttapong Chentanez. Xpbd: Position-based simulation of compliant constrained dynamics. In ACM Motion in Games, MIG ‘16, pages 49—54. ACM, 2016.


Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, and Markus Gross. Meshless deformations based on shape matching. ACM Trans. Graph., 24(3):471—478, 2005.


Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Marcus Hennix, and John Ratcliff. Position based dynamics. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 18(2):109—118, 2007.


Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, Tae-Yong Kim, and Miles Macklin. Strain based dynamics. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. Eurographics Association, 2014.