Getting started

This page should give you a short overview of PositionBasedDynamics.


After building the PositionBasedDynamics library, there are several demos which can by executed in the binary folder. To execute a demo, you can call, e.g.:

cd ../bin


This special demo reads a PositionBasedDynamics scene file and performs a simulation of the scene. You can start this simulator, e.g., by calling:

cd ../bin
./SceneLoaderDemo ../data/Scenes/CarScene.json

The scene file format is explained here.


  • Space: pause/contiunue simulation

  • r: reset simulation

  • w: wireframe rendering of meshes

  • ESC: exit

Python bindings

PositionBasedDynamics implements bindings for python using pybind11. See the getting started guide.

Impatient installation guide

In order to install, simply clone the repository and run pip install on the repository. It is recommended, that you set up a virtual environment for this, because cache files will be stored in the directory of the python installation along with models and scene files.

git clone
pip install PositionBasedDynamics/